Friday, January 30, 2015

Horizonal Elements:

Base Plane: A base plane is a flat surface that helps to show depth in a linear fashion. One way you could describe a base plane is the floor of a interior space.

Vertical Surface:

Vertical linear surfaces have more contracts in a interior space. They help to hold up structures and separate interior spaces.

Qualities of Architectural Space:

There is two types of lighting natural and artificial, Light is a key element  in architectural space depending on how you want you space to feeling. Depending on where the lighting is positioned in a space can set a different mood.

Opening in Space Defining Elements:

Some of the many opening in spaces can be door and windows. Having opening in spaces are crucial they can create a feeling or mood, it also helps you move throughout the interior space. The opening in spaces help you move from the interior to a exterior.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Form,Space, and Order
Chapter 2

Primary Solids:

Sphere: A sphere is a solid form that is made by repetition of  half circles. In this solid all points of the surface are the same distance from the center. A sphere is unique because from any vantage point it will look the same.

Cylinder:  A cylinder is a solid form that is most simply put as a rectangle that is rotated 360 degrees on one of its axis.  A cylinder is stable when its weight is rested upon one of its two cylindrical sides.

Cone:   A cone is a solid form created by a 360 degree rotation  of a 90 degree triangle.  A cone is most stable on its cylindrical side and can be stable on its point in a weird state of balance.
Pyramid: A pyramid is a primary solid, that has four triangular faces that meet at a common point. A pyramid is stable on all of its side due to the flatness of all of the sides.

Cube: A cube is a primary solid that has six side that are equal in measurement and meet at a common point. Since, all the sides are equal the points they meet at form 90 degree angles. A cube is very stable when it is rested on one of the six faces but, when it is but on one of its corners it is very unstable.

Dimensional Transforms:

Sphere: A sphere can be altered stretching it out among one of its axis’s can change a sphere. When stretched out it will become an ellipse of some variation or another.

Pyramid: stretching it or shrinking it on either of its axis’s can transform a pyramid. You could transform it by stretching it on its y-axis or shrinking it on the y-axis, the same applies to the x-axis.

Cube: A cubes physical appearance can be changed by several different ways. You can change its vertical appearance, horizontal appearance, and how for it projects into space.

Subtractive Form:

Subtractive form is the loss of some of the objects original mass/ content.

This is when we do not see a full form in front of us and we automatically relate it to a primary solid. The reason is because even though the full form is not present we can still recognize the objects structure.

Additive Forms: Additive forms is when you have a mass and add another mass to it make it “additive form” you can add one or more forms to it.

Edge to Edge Contact: Edge to edge contact is when the two forms share a mutual edge.

Formal Collision:
Where two form types are colliding together, often the two forms will be aggressive towards each other.

Circle and Square: When you circle and a square object colliding in space to form a unique shape.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

§ Point- A point has no mass and is therefore imaginary. It is used to mark a specific location in space. In design, points can serve different purposes. Points are the basis for the built environment, but also can serve as the focal point in a room.
  • Website Title: Abduzeedo Design Inspiration
  • Article Title: Amazing Vanishing Point Photography
  • Date Accessed: January 15, 2015
§ Line-  A line is a point that is extending through space. Line also has certain properties (Length, Direction and Position). A line is one dimensional meaning it has no mass. Lines are used in design to bring symmetry, organization and order to a space. 

  • Website Title: Modern Home Interiors RSS
  • Article Title: Neutral Interior Paint Colors in Most Popular Design - Moder[…]
  • Electronically Published: June 03, 2014
  • Date Accessed: January 15, 2015
§ Plane- A plane is when a line is  traveling through  space to another point, which creates a plane. A Plane has several properties( length, width, shape, surface, surface, orientation and position) A plane is two dimensional meaning that is has mass, but is still a flat surface.
  • Website Title: Trendir Modern House Designs
  • Article Title: Twisted reflective house with angled walls and ceilings
  • Date Accessed: January 15, 2015

§ Volume – Volume is when a plane travels forward into space, it has numerous properties (Length, Width, Depth, Form and space, surface, orientation and position). It is when you move from two dimensional to three dimensional. The environment we live in is filled with mass, meaning that the design world deals mostly with mass. 
  • Website Title: Dornob Scope it Out Cantilevered Home Frames View of Landsca[…]
  • Article Title: Scope it Out: Cantilevered Home Frames View of Landscape
  • Date Accessed: January 15, 2015