Thursday, January 15, 2015

§ Point- A point has no mass and is therefore imaginary. It is used to mark a specific location in space. In design, points can serve different purposes. Points are the basis for the built environment, but also can serve as the focal point in a room.
  • Website Title: Abduzeedo Design Inspiration
  • Article Title: Amazing Vanishing Point Photography
  • Date Accessed: January 15, 2015
§ Line-  A line is a point that is extending through space. Line also has certain properties (Length, Direction and Position). A line is one dimensional meaning it has no mass. Lines are used in design to bring symmetry, organization and order to a space. 

  • Website Title: Modern Home Interiors RSS
  • Article Title: Neutral Interior Paint Colors in Most Popular Design - Moder[…]
  • Electronically Published: June 03, 2014
  • Date Accessed: January 15, 2015
§ Plane- A plane is when a line is  traveling through  space to another point, which creates a plane. A Plane has several properties( length, width, shape, surface, surface, orientation and position) A plane is two dimensional meaning that is has mass, but is still a flat surface.
  • Website Title: Trendir Modern House Designs
  • Article Title: Twisted reflective house with angled walls and ceilings
  • Date Accessed: January 15, 2015

§ Volume – Volume is when a plane travels forward into space, it has numerous properties (Length, Width, Depth, Form and space, surface, orientation and position). It is when you move from two dimensional to three dimensional. The environment we live in is filled with mass, meaning that the design world deals mostly with mass. 
  • Website Title: Dornob Scope it Out Cantilevered Home Frames View of Landsca[…]
  • Article Title: Scope it Out: Cantilevered Home Frames View of Landscape
  • Date Accessed: January 15, 2015

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I really liked your images but in the first two photos, the lines bend into the pictures. It would be nice if the lines were bolder or of a different color.
